Occupational Therapy for Adults
Occupational Therapy assists adults with their“occupational performance” when issues arise in daily life activities, work tasks, social and relationship experiences, or recreational pursuits due to sensory processing issues or physical issues that are sensory-based. Occupational Therapy can help adults with:
*Sensory processing concerns – examples include but are not limited to:
*Sound sensitivities that interfere with work, learning, sleep, eating, socializing and quality of life
*Movement and Visual sensitivity that is sensory-based
*Food sensitivities and food aversions
*Touch and clothing sensitivities
*Difficulties with activities that require motor planning skills when learning new or non-habituated tasks. Examples include work tasks with multiple steps, exercise or sports that require coordination and/or use of two sides of the body, social and recreational pursuits that demand multiple senses in order to manage with ease
*Multiple sensory inputs in certain environments can cause great distress for some adults and greatly interfere with life management
*Environmental sensitivities at work, school, social events, malls, and other environments, can be difficult to attend, because of the multiple sensory inputs experienced at once (sound, movement, light, to name a few)
Occupational Therapy Services for Adults Include:
*An Individualized Sensory Profile that helps individuals learn more about their specific sensory issues, as well as education and counseling related to them
*A treatment plan that is determined with the adult’s goals in mind. A treatment schedule is based on the adult’s specific occupational performance and sensory needs
*Specific sensory treatments to help adults learn to manage sensory experiences that are ‘overloading’ and that may create fatigue, stress, avoidance, anxiety and difficulty with daily routines and activities
*Specialty equipment and resources used/recommended during sessions to assist adults with sensory-based problems and motor challenges
*Modifications and compensatory techniques to help with sensory and motor challenges
*Environmental strategies designed to help those affected, manage school, work, home, and community environments with greater ease and efficiency. Assistance to learn how to deal with multiple sensory inputs at one time can be helpful to many individuals with many sensory issues interfering with their life management and quality of life