Sensory Processing or Sensory Integration is the process by which the brain and spinal cord help to organize and interpret sensory input such as touch, hearing, vision, movement, body awareness and gravitational pull. For some children and adults, sensory integration may not occur as it should and may create a variety of problems.

Sensory processing difficulties may include but are not limited to:

  • Defensiveness to touch (clothing, foods, textures, human touch)
  • Sensitivity to noise (classroom, work, malls, appliances, sounds of others)
  • Movement sensitivity (heights, car rides, swings, elevators)
  • Attention and behavioural issues related to sensory issues
  • Sensory Overload from a variety of sensory inputs can create irritability and mood disturbances as well as difficulty calming

Sensory Strategies and Treatment is aimed at:

  • Educating an individual and/or their family as to their "Sensory Profile" 
  • Learning how to manage sensory disturbances with sensory specific strategies and treatment
  • By providing a child or adult with sensory experiences that are specific to their specific needs, the nervous system becomes "organized" and sensory issues can begin to diminish